Vanessa Bourne
Hailing From: City of Angels
Spirit Animal: Pegasus
Hobbies: When I make room for these in my life again I would like to perfect: playing the Piano, speaking French fluently, Surfing & Knitting!
About: A fitness leader in Orange County, Vanessa has made a living creating health & fitness brands for over 15 years and is so proud to have founded Ekam (ay-kum) Yoga & Pilates, traditional yoga and Pilates in a modern space! This studio truly represents her current lifestyle by offering a laid back and serene environment in which to connect to yourself and to our awesome community. Ekam is accessible to anyone who wants to spend a portion of their day amongst like minded people, moving their bodies, relaxing their minds and enjoying some retail therapy! You will find Vanessa here at Ekam on the schedule teaching a kick ass Pilates session, behind the scenes at her boxing studio BOXHAUS, or playing her favorite role of MOMMY with her son Kingston.